The Gary Null Show – 05.12.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discusses these topics and provides the links for you to learn more and understand more. Enjoy:

Teens who eat lots of fruit may lower their breast cancer risk

Fruit discovery could provide new treatments for obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

‘Sixth sense’ protects drivers except when texting

Working memory is better after a barefoot run

Cabbage may reduce cancer risk

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this classic: George Benson – Give Me The Night

VIDEO: Ishmahil, street orator, Speaking on Hip Hop & Black Youth Culture

The war in Afghanistan has turned a generation of children into heroin addicts

Hillary Clinton does not represent values that help women

Heather Francis – How High Fat and Sugar Diets Can Hack the Body to Prevent You From Feeling Full

When we eat a meal, we take for granted that we should feel full afterwards. But eating a diet high in sugar and fat makes it harder for our body to tell if we are full or not. The typical diet in Western societies consists of highly processed, highly palatable foods, with lots of saturated fat and refined sugar. Examples …

The Gary Null Show – 05.04.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave us great health and Healing news that you can read about when you click on the links. Listen to the show again to hear Gary’s personal take on all this. Enjoy:

Eating black raspberries significantly lowers cardiovascular disease

Vitamin stops the aging process of organs

A Mediterranean style diet decreases levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein

Eating too much red meat ‘can age the body’, researchers claim

Grapes help counter negative effects of high fat diet

Novel bitter melon extract show metabolic and anti-obesity effects: Study

Frozen food products recalled over possible Listeria contamination

New York City’s housing and homelessness crisis intensifies under de Blasio

Australia, U.S. financially penalize citizens refusing vaccines

Gary read his article on Vaccines on yesterday’s show. Listen here:

Is two hours of screen time really too much for kids?

Gary talks briefly about the rumors regarding the doctors who discovered cancer enzymes in vaccines and how they were all found murdered. Don’t pay it any mind, its all false.

Gary goes to a break and plays this classic: Mack the Knife-Bobby Darin

Gary comes back to finish the show with these topics:

War on Drugs ‘is an unmitigated disaster’: Former Latin American heads of state

VIDEO: The DEA is Top Drug Dealer in US and ATF is Top Gun Trafficker

Gary talks to the audience about drugs and prison and then he brings on a Holistic Psychotherapist and Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry. Her name is June Kiefer – Self Care Solutions. She will be coming in on Sundays to help out and here is her number: 631-981-8807

Stanton Peele – While Tests Are Still Pending, It Is Possible to Draw Some Conclusions About Prince’s Drug Issues

When a famous person dies mysteriously and prematurely these days [6], we are instantly led to consider their drug use as cause of death. Prince, the multitalented musician and entertainer, who was found dead [7] at his estate outside Minneapolis last week, is a prime candidate for such speculation. We need to withhold judgment until toxicology and other autopsy data are made public, of course. …

David Korten – Time to Grow Up Into a Living Earth Economy

The current political chaos in the United States is a product of the failure of our economic system to fulfill the promise of the American dream: That each new generation will enjoy abundance beyond that of their parents. What most people experience instead is increasing insecurity and declining opportunity. People know something is badly wrong. Uncertain as to what or …

How too much medicine can kill you

During a recent clinic consultation, I saw Mary, in her early 60s, with type 2 diabetes. She was concerned that the muscle pains in her legs may have been a result of the cholesterol-lowering statin drug she was taking. “But I’m scared of stopping it.” She explained how a specialist nurse had told her a clot could break off from …

Brain changes seen in veterans with PTSD after mindfulness training

Like an endlessly repeating video loop, horrible memories and thoughts can keep playing over and over in the minds of people with post-traumatic stress disorder. They intrude at the quietest moments, and don’t seem to have an off switch. But a new study in veterans with PTSD shows the promise of mindfulness training for enhancing the ability to manage those thoughts if …

BENEDIKT JUST – This Forgotten Remedy Can Detox The Heart And Nervous System

There is compelling indication that the best plant remedy for heart disease was already discovered over 150 years ago. Unfortunately, today even alternative medicine has forgotten about ouabain. A brief summary of the ‘ouabain story’… In 1861, on the famous Livingstone expedition in Africa, the English botanist John Kirk experienced the sudden disappearance of his heart problems after brushing his …

9 Other Reasons to Eat More Fiber

Even your great-grandmother knew fiber was the secret to keeping you “regular.”  But fiber has many other surprisingly powerful health benefits. Here are nine other excellent reasons to bulk up on fiber. Even your great-grandmother knew fiber was the secret to keeping you “regular.”  And science has proved it time and again.  Studies show fiber can help improve constipation, incontinence, and evenbleeding …

Dr. Mark Hyman – Here’s How the Food Pyramid Should Look

“Dr. Hyman, I grew up following the guidelines of the Food Pyramid,” writes this week’s house call. “Now the guidelines keep changing. What about these newMyPlate guidelines? And what about the new 2015 Dietary Guidelines? I am confused. What should I eat?” Here’s the truth: The government recommendations released in 1980, promoted low-fat dietsthat have catapulted us into the worst epidemic of obesity …