Clinton Camp Refuses to Give Her Position on TPP, Four Times in Two Days By Zaid Jilani

On Friday, the House of Representatives issued a stunning rebuke [3] to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the 12-nation deal that expands corporate and investor commerce rights at the expense of workers and the environment. However, the fight over the TPP is not over, with the House set to vote once again on the trade adjustment package it rejected on either Monday or Tuesday. …

What’s Really Going on at Fukushima? by ROBERT HUNZIKER

Fukushima’s still radiating, self-perpetuating, immeasurable, and limitless, like a horrible incorrigible Doctor Who monster encounter in deep space. Fukushima will likely go down in history as the biggest cover-up of the 21st Century. Governments and corporations are not leveling with citizens about the risks and dangers; similarly, truth itself,as an ethical standard, is at risk of going to shambles as the glue that holds …

Clinton Cash Goes Missing for a Controversial 2014 NYU Speech By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

New York University, which has been rocked by revelations of providing multi-million dollar residences, forgivable mortgages, and sweet-deal, in-house financing for luxurious vacation homes to an elite group of staff and faculty, is now linked to the Hillary and Bill Clinton cash-by-the-truckload scandal. According to an analysis by the Washington Post, since leaving the White House in January 2001, Bill Clinton was …

MSM and Biotech Try to Re-Brand GMO’s Due to Negative Response – Christina Sarich

In the same way Big Food makers tried to rename sugar in their products so that consumers wouldn’t know that their favorite brands contained almost 75 percent empty calories, the mainstream media is trying to re-brand GMOs so that the public thinks the food creations are completely safe. That’s right. Just like Hilary Clinton advised biotech at a recent symposium, she thinks if …

Dark Money Under Fire as Election 2016 Heats Up – Lauren McCauley

While Democratic candidates are lining up to denounce the huge influence that dark money is having on politics in the U.S., a new report says that 2016 presidential candidates are relying on such secret contributions “like never before.” In a speech before thousands, likely watched by millions more, Hillary Clinton formally launched her presidential bid on Saturday. During the address given on …

Leid Stories – 06.15.15

Hillary’s Off. And Running Against Obama?

Black Like Me: What Should Rachel Dolezal’s Story Mean to America?

A vapid yawner of a speech at the Iowa State Fairgrounds yesterday, scripted to the nth degree by her political handlers, did little to sell Hillary Clinton’s self-proclaimed superlative experience and skills in international trade. Instead, the Democratic presidential candidate took aim at her former boss and “buddy,” criticizing President Barack Obama’s handling of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and related trade issues, but not saying where she stands on the TPP. (Note to Hillary: Obama’s not running.)

Leid Stories explains what’s behind Hillary’s attack on Obama and her murkiness about her position on the TPP and similar trade agreements.

The national brouhaha rages on about Rachel Dolezal—the Eastern Washington University professor and president of the NAACP’s local chapter in Spokane—over her claimed African American identity.

What should Dolezal’s story, and the furor it has caused, mean to America?

Whatever Happened to the Proletariat? by DAVID ROSEN

The Left Forum was held in New York on the May 29th-31st weekend and thousands attended.  It offered numerous panels led by academics, activists and independent thinkers of every strip as well as film screenings and public plenaries.  Everyone ran into someone they knew from a past life or started a new friendship.  While a lot of grey-haired veterans of the …

In Classic Clintonian Fashion, Dems Insult Their Own Voters By Matt Taibbi

ay this for the Democrats in the Clinton era: they’re never boring. From brilliant responses to sex scandals to impossible smoke-but-not-inhale policy hedges to calculated collapses on everything from gay rights to financial deregulation, the Clinton Dems over the years have proven themselves masters of messaging and political survival. They’ve turned the act of choosing winning over principle into an …

Bilderberg chooses Hillary Clinton for 2016

The “official” Bilderberg Group website has released a list of participants for this years upcoming conference. The website also released a list of bullet points that they claim is the agenda for the secretive globalist confab. In the past, Intellihub News and others have confirmed that while the list released by the Bilderberg website does include many who will be there, it also leaves out those that would rather not have …

Don’t Expect Clinton, GOP Candidates to Work for Social Justice by Gary Olson

My car’s bumper sticker reads “I’m ready for Oligarchy: the choice is clear. There is none.” It’s a truism that under our system, no one can be nominated or can win the presidency who isn’t a shill for the billionaire class. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, will campaign as a populist in the primaries as Wall Street winks and …