Steven M. Wise is President of the Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc. He holds a J.D. from Boston University Law School and a B.S. in Chemistry from the College of William and Mary. He has practiced animal protection law for 30 years throughout the United States and is admitted to the Massachusetts Bar. Steve teaches “Animal Rights Jurisprudence” at the Vermont, Lewis and Clark, University of Miami, and St. Thomas Law Schools, and has taught “Animal Rights Law” at the Harvard Law School and John Marshall Law School. He is the author of four books: Rattling the Cage – Toward Legal Rights for Animals, Drawing the Line – Science and the Case for Animal Rights, Though the Heavens May Fall – The Landmark Trial That Led to the End of Human Slavery, and An American Trilogy – Death, Slavery, and Dominion Along the Banks of the Cape Fear River.
Meria Heller Show – 03.20.16
Meria Heller with David Icke.
David Cameron on David Icke’s work; David’s world tour – Canada in 2017; chemtrails-smart dust – nanobots; sperm killers in food; trans-phantomism the transhumanist agenda; self identity; focus of attention; will you be thinking from the cloud by 2030? addicted to technology; DARPA and the web; Dr.Richard Day in 1969 on today’s world; the movie “Transcendence”; Morgellons disease; assimilated by the virus; 1956 “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”; living in a bad inverted copy of the high frequency original Earth; Gnostics on the Archons; death cult feeds on fear because it IS fear; divide and rule elections;awaken to true consciousness.
Economic Update – Choosing Your Struggles – 03.20.16
Updates on FED decision, struggles over China trade and Brexit, and fascism. Major discussions: (1) critique of capitalists’ “job creation” and (2) why state support of worker coops is what capitalism got from states for centuries.
A Just Cause – Corrupt Judge Poster Child for Sentencing Disparities – 03.20.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks discuss the shocking actions of Judge Christine Arguello during her time on the bench.
Let’s Create A Better World – 03.19.16
Christina Gikas, clinical and transpersonal hypnotist, counselor, teacher and more, gives an in-depth talk about using her creative, advanced methods of healing. Hypnosis, quantum healing, the power of our thoughts, self healing, ancient healing methods, connecting with departed loved ones and more. This is a must-hear show of the dedicated healer and researcher extraordinaire.
Leid Stories – Only You Can Free Your Mind! – 03.18.16
It’s time to defrag, time to put the week into proper perspective. That’s what we do on Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday.”
Share your thoughts, opinions and ideas about things that mattered this week—or about anything that warrants further discussion and/or debate. Call in (888-874-4888) and be a peer educator!
The Gary Null Show – 03.18.16
Chris Hedges is one of our nation’s most insightful cultural critics, social and political activists and investigative journalists. For almost 20 years he was a foreign correspondent in war zones and conflicts in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans, having reported for The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor and other news outlets. While at the Times, Chris received the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for reporting on global terrorism. That same year he received Amnesty International’s Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Chris has authored many bestselling books. His most recent is “Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt”, a philosophical, historical and timely clarion call for a new revolution against a repressive political and corporate hegemony. Chris’ weekly column can be read every Monday at and his TV program “Days of Revolt” is aired every Monday at 11 pm Eastern on Telesur TV
Check inside for the link to the You Tube Video Gary played
Energy Stew – MasSajady and Lisa Denton – 03.18.16
What if you had significant improvement in your intuition? What would you know?
What if your knowledge about yourself, others and life in general were so enhanced that you could make more powerful choices and see much better outcomes?
What if stronger intuition showed you that you’re never alone and there are many beings on other planes who are always around you?
What if you just knew so much more?
My guests on this show all live with enhanced intuition. You might think they are not normal and they think they are not normal – at least not in the traditional understanding of normal.
What’s it like to live with intuitive power? Does it solve everything? Not!!! But it sure helps!!!
Heart River Center has been an intuitive school for the last 19 years. I founded the school and Lisa Denton was a student who became a teacher. She’s amazing! Sometimes the two of us work together to solve intuitive mysteries. Steve Gottlieb will also join us. He became a professional intuitive after years of study at Heart River.
Mas Sajady became intuitive after two near death experiences when he was out of body and received empowerments and wisdom from the other side. He’s in town to teach at the New Life Expo this weekend. I’ll be giving a talk there as well.
Expat Files – 03.18.16
-What if you get into a car accident or hit a pedestrian in Latin America? What to do? You call the car insurance company and lawyer and wait for help, right? Sure, that’s the right thing to do, however almost all lawyers, professionals, upscale Latins and even “Driver’s Ed” instructors are advising their friends, clients and students to do something much different all depending depending on the circumstances. Of course that special advice will always be “off the record”.
-When Gringo “good Samaritan” efforts backfire:
-Another reason Latins think Gringos are a bit crazy:
Did you know Latins have definite opinions about “OUR” choices in the Latin mating, dating and marriage game? Down here in Latin America they locals are especially surprised, even perplexed when they occasionally see some tall, strapping gringo or attractive gringa dating a person “THEY” feel culturally or economically superior to. For example: I’ve heard the occasional negative comments from slightly irritated Latins who see Gringos/Gingas dating short, dark indigenous people (instead of the traditional sexy Latin/Latina stereotypes). Yes, average Latins are often very classist and racist- no, not against us Gringos and Gringas but against their own countrymen and women.
Gringos, Latins and lotteries:
Yes there are dozens of types of lotteries in Latin America. Some are announced in the papers, some on TV and there’s also the traditional paper ticket types bought on the street. Still other lotteries come as annoying text messages on cell phones. Now, there’s one special lottery all Latins would love to win, but as for gringos hitting that jackpot… most of us would reject the prize in a heartbeat. You’ll never guess what lottery I’m referring to…
The Final Edition – 03.17.16
The Final Edition:
Episode 173: Size Doesn’t Matter