Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 02.29.16

Segment 1: International Business Times Personal Finance Editor, Lauren Lyons Cole

She will discuss her piece:

Segment 2: Newsweek’s National Security Correspondent Jeff Stein

He will discuss his piece:

Segment 3: Live call-ins – Why Bernie/why Hillary?

Whom do you support for the Democratic nominee for president, and how civil are you prepared to be about it. The peoples email Network reminds us “let us not be like the haters on the Republican side. Anyone who tries to mud wrestle with Trump, using insults and gratuitous name calling will lose. He can be attacked on the issues, but most effectively if we do not stoop to his level. Those who respond to such tactics will never be won over by our side. Is it too early to argue for a joint ticket, especially after the blowout yesterday in SC? Sanders must prove himself by winning a bunch of states. Only then can we argue that an alliance between him and Hillary is required for victory.”

Gary Null – HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal

Every parent desires only the best for their children, which is why most parents insist that their children, primarily girls but now also boys, receive the three-shot series of HPV vaccines. Parents do this because there is the unchallenged assumptions that vaccine public mandates and physician recommendations are founded upon sound scientific and medical principles of safety and efficacy. This is not only true for the HPV vaccines—Merck’s Gardasil and Glaxo’s Cervarix—but for all childhood vaccines. Unfortunately, there has been very little effective popular opposition to the vaccination regime except by those parents who have witnessed these vaccines’ devastation upon their children’s developing brains and immune systems. The rate of autism in the US has now risen to 1 in 68. Yet at the same time parents are repeatedly told it is not the vaccines; the industrial food industry repeatedly tells us it is not the GMOs and toxic pesticides such as glyphosate; and the fossil fuel multinationals repeatedly tell us it is not the heavy metals spewing into the atmosphere from their plants. Rather we are consistently told that the medical profession doesn’t harm children. Vaccines save lives. Fortunately more and more people are awakening to these lies. Although there are a growing number of parents fighting the medical establishment, in some cases even winning, they nevertheless have to live with an injured child or teenager, frequently for the remainder of their child’s life. The very federal agencies that support an ever-increasing vaccination schedule—the CDC, HHS, FDA and Surgeon General—and the entire private medical establishment and physicians are complicit in a mutual denial that vaccine scientific review and regulation require a vast systemic overhaul before any vaccine should be pronounced safe and effective before entering the market.

Ask Beatty – 02.29.16

Alternative Medicine….Case Study

You visit one doctor after another, looking for symptom relief. But not only do your symptoms persist, but you are told that your problems are idiopathic.
My guest today is Dr. Serena Goldstein, a Naturopath in private practice in NYC. Her insight will give you alternative ways to think about your treatment, whatever your issues may be.

Leid Stories – 02.29.16

Hillary’s Triumph in South Carolina An Object Lesson in Political Slavery

In a series of programs leading up to the presidential primaries in South Carolina, Leid Stories has been explaining the pivotal role the South would play in the political fortunes of presidential candidates. The Feb. 27 Democratic primary in the former Confederate state delivered a stunning victory for Hillary Clinton—the result, says Leid Stories, of political slavery.

Black Agenda Radio – 02.29.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with host Glen Ford and his co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– There is turmoil this presidential primacy season, in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Dr. Anthony Monteiro, the Dubois Scholar and veteran activist who helped put together a national conference on the Black Radical Tradition, this January, in Philadelphia, says the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump campaigns reveal a crisis in the duopoly political system.

– Students, teachers, parents and community members in Detroit are gearing up for a city-wide strike to defend the public schools, which have been pushed to the brink of bankruptcy after 17 years of management by the state. Among the leaders of the protests is Steven Conn, the elected president of the Detroit teachers’ union, who was deprived of his seat by the union’s national leadership. Conn says Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and his appointed emergency financial managers are hell-bent on destroying public education. Their current plan is to divide the Detroit school system in two.

– A new study shows that Teach for America, or TFA, which has been a leading force in the charterization of the nation’s public schools, enjoys a special relationship with school systems in Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans and New York. The lead researcher for the study is Jameson Brewer. He says Teach for America collects finders fees to provide school systems with novice teachers, and protects them against lay-offs, while traditional teachers are pushed out of the profession.

– The Alliance for a Just Society has released a new report titled “Jobs After Jail.” The problem is, there AREN’T many employment opportunities for ex-offenders, partly because former prison inmates are prohibited by law from working at literally hundreds of jobs. Allyson Fredericksen was one of the authors of the report.

– As a lifelong activist, and a veteran journalist and educator, Dr. Charles Simmons takes the long view. Simmons spoke last week to a meeting on Black Men in Unions, at the Institute for Labor and Community Studies, in Detroit.

Let’s Create A Better World – 02.27.16

Living Healthy, Living with Heart and Living Life to the Fullest Every Day. Host Bobby Elias and co-host Stefan Rudolph discuss how to live a better life through daily awareness of nutrition, eating habits, sleep patterns and surrounding yourself with like minded positive people who seek a life of constant and never-ending improvement. Eat well, Sleep Well, Live Well!

Alternative Visions – Rent Price Gouging and Grass Roots Resistance – 02.26.16

Jack welcomes local community organizers, Maria Marroquin, director of the Worker Day Center in Mt. View, California, and Gayle McLaughlin, former mayor and now city councilperson in Richmond, California, to explain the grass roots efforts underway in their cities today to resist and rollback skyrocketing rent prices. With apartment rents having risen 25%-30% the past two years, and wages either frozen or falling for working and middle class families, more are being displaced and forced to move out of their homes—often evicted unfairly and arbitrarily by apartment chain property owners owned by hedge funds and other big finance Wall St. organizations. Maria describes the efforts in progress in her city to unite forces to resist unjust evictions and stabilize rents by passing city ordnances giving renters some basic rights. Gayle describes how the Richmond Progressive Alliance in her city challenged and won majority seats on the city council and passed rent ordnances and how the California Apartment Association—the big business lobbying arm for multi-unit apartment owners—temporarily blocked the ordnance. Gayle describes the organizing underway today for an even better rent ordnance coming up this November. Jack offers suggestions how the various fragmented efforts need to unite and ‘march on Sacramento’ to force statewide rights for renters and stop the rent price gouging that is now out of control, much like pharmaceutical drugs and education price gouging.

For more information about events underway and planned in Richmond, go to: or website. For events in Mt. View go to Find out how successful resistance to rent gouging is done.

Leid Stories – 02.26.16

Madness Behind, Madness Ahead. Give Your Take on ‘Free Your Mind Friday!’

We wrap up a week of madness and brace ourselves for even more with our weekly town-hall meeting. Listeners call the shots on “Free Your Mind Friday,” a free-wheeling open forum for the exchange of information, opinions and ideas. Call 888-874-4888 and join the conversation.

The Gary Null Show – 02.26.16

Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world and plays two great You Tube clips as well. The two You Tube clips are in the post when you open this. Enjoy.