County public defender asks the US Department of Justice to investigate claims of ‘sadistic’ treatment including threats of violence if inmates did not comply The Department of Justice has been asked to investigate after prison guards allegedly forced inmates to engage in gladiator-style fights for “sadistic pleasure” and betting, in scenes the authorities said evoked Game of Thrones. An inmate …
‘Black America in Crisis’: Report Shows Troubling Racial Disparities Across US
“The state of Black America is in crisis—and we see justice challenged at every turn.” Its findings, said Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, “are a clarion call that a more comprehensive, inclusive and on-the-ground recovery is necessary to ensure a healthy future for our nation and that we cannot expect to successfully move forward when …
US Justice Dept: Withdrawing $5,000 should be Reported to Police
Something stunning took place earlier this week ini the good ol US of A, and it quietly snuck by, unnoticed by anyone as the “all important” FOMC meeting was looming. That something could have been taken straight out of the playbook of either Cyprus, or Greece, or the USSR “evil empire”, or all three. This is how the WSJ explained …
FBI Plan to Expand Hacking Powers Moves Forward
A judiciary panel on Monday quietly approved a rule change that would increase the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s surveillance powers, despite concerns over privacy and constitutional rights. The Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules voted 11-1 to modify a rule that gives federal judges more flexibility in approving search warrants for electronic data. If passed, it will allow judges to approve …
The Sickening Child Porn Crisis Infecting U.S. Government Agencies
Daniel Rosen, a senior State Department official arrested last month for soliciting sex online with a minor, was reportedly arrested again Sunday night in Washington, D.C., and charged with an earlier crime of voyeurism after police searched his cellphone. And he is only the latest in a long string of government employees to have been accused of crimes against children. Public records and reports …
Wikimedia vs. NSA: Major Lawsuit Challenges Government Surveillance of US Citizens
The ACLU has filed a lawsuit, on behalf of Wikipedia and other organizations, challenging the constitutionality of the NSA’s mass interception and searching of Americans’ international communications. (Image: Available logos/with overlay) Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia and one of the most highly-trafficked websites in the world, announcedTuesday that it—alongside a host of civil liberty advocates, news outlets, and privacy rights organizations—has filed …
The Political Downfall of General David Petraeus: From War Hero to Convicted Felon? Petraeus’ Plea Bargain
As a postscript headline to the mid-January article below, America’s most famous general turned CIA Director David Petraeus just worked out a plea bargain deal with the Justice Department. He admitted to leaking classified documents to his biographer turned lover Paula Broadwell. Rather than face the further humiliation of a high profile public trial, the Bilderberg member opted for the …
Black Agenda Radio – 03.02.15
Triumph for Internet Neutrality The Federal Communications Commission last week ruled that the Internet should be regulated like a public utility, with no fast or slow traffic lanes. “The Verizons and Comcasts of the world wanted to create a class system on the Internet,” said Kevin Zeese, of Popular Resistance. Far from opening the way for a government “takeover” of …
Fear Dominates Politics, Media and Human Existence in America—And It’s Getting Worse
“Fear is the mind-killer” – Frank Herbert, Dune People cannot think clearly when they are afraid. As numerous studies have shown [3], fear is the enemy of reason. It distorts emotions and perceptions, and often leads to poor decisions. For people who have suffered trauma, fear messages can sometimes trigger uncontrollable flight-or-fight responses with dangerous ramifications. Yet over time, many interlocking aspects of …