Federal Report: The College Debt Bubble Is Collapsing Now: 33% Of All Student Loans Are Delinquent On Repayments

With all of that job creation being claimed by the Obama administration and disseminated by mainstream media outlets as signs of a sustained recovery you’d think most college graduates would have no trouble keeping up with their bills. But new data released by the Department of Education tell a different story. According to the report as many as 33% of American college …


George Washington pointed out, “Overgrown military establishments, which under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty. Wise words by the father of our country, but ones, unfortunately, rejected by modern-day Americans, who love and idolize the enormously overgrown military establishment that now characterizes our federal governmental system. …

Fears of a new global crash as debts and dollar’s value rise

Greek ministers are spending this weekend, almost five grinding years since Athens was first bailed out, wrangling over the details of the spending cuts and economic reforms they have drawn up to appease their creditors. As the recriminations fly between Europe’s capitals, campaigners are warning that the global community has failed to learn the lessons of the Greek debt crisis – …

The Federal Reserve’s “Financial Airplane”. The Fed’s Economic “Assumptions”, “Falsified Data to Portray Growth”

After last week’s air tragedy, maybe a poor thought process but please stay with me.  Would you ever get on an airplane if there was no pilot?  Would you be confident of reaching your destination safely?  Of course not.  Whether you know it or not, you are living in an economic and financial “airplane” with Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen …

Are Equities Overvalued?

Since the global economic crisis, sharp divergences in economic performance have contributed to considerable stock-market volatility. Now, equity prices are reaching relatively high levels by conventional measures – and investors are starting to get nervous. The question is whether stock valuations are excessive relative to future earnings potential. The answer depends on two key variables: the discount rate and future …

Experts Admit Conspiracy Theorists Right About Rigged Stock Market: “The Dirty Secret Is Out”

Are there really secret manipulations of the economy going on in the shadows of Wall Street and Washington? Do bears crap in the woods? The NY Post’s controversial columnist John Crudele has thrown down the gauntlet, declaring that the market is rigged. And not only does everyone know it, but it is now being admitted. The stock market is rigged. When I started making …

Intelligence Services Block Activists’ Emails … And Frame Them With Fake Emails

You send an email to a reporter saying that you’ve got proof of criminal wrongdoing by a government official … or a big bank.  You never receive a response. Or you send an email to an expert on monetary policy asking if the Federal Reserve’s policies help the rich at the expense of the little guy … or an expert …

Information Warfare: Automated Propaganda and Social Media Bots

NATO has announced that it is launching an “information war” against Russia. The UK publicly announced a battalion of keyboard warriors to spread disinformation. It’s well-documented that the West has long used false propaganda to sway public opinion. Western military and intelligence services manipulate social media to counter criticism of Western policies. Such manipulation includes flooding social media with comments supporting the government and large corporations, using armies of …

Deciphering the Fed’s Actions, “Spoon Feeding the Market”: Whatever they Do, the US Economy is Damned

Wednesday is yet another Fed meeting where we get to hear “policy” from them.  So many times in the past, the upcoming meeting has been called “THE” most important meeting ever.  This one is being called the same thing.  I have mentioned more than a few times in the past six years “what can they really say?”  I’ve done this because …

The Economy Has Not Recovered And Is Again On Its Way Down

The first quarter GDP will be negative unless the figure is again manipulated and faked. I am looking at two charts. One is the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s forecast. During the past 30 days, the Atlanta Fed’s forecast has dropped from 2.3% first quarter growth to 0.3 percent.https://www.frbatlanta.org/cqer/researchcq/gdpnow.cfm The other chart is the Blue Chip consensus. This is Wall …