Rachael Bade – Employee at Clinton’s email hosting company feared a cover-up Platte River Networks said they were asked to limit backups of her server.

An employee at the tech company that maintained Hillary Clinton’s homemade email server was concerned that instructions from Clinton’s representatives would have the tech firm “covering up some shaddy [sic] shit,” according to emails obtained by Senate investigators. Employees at Denver-based Platte River Networks in a mid-August email chain were trying to find records that showed that the Clinton Executive …

SARAH WESTWOOD – Hillary’s surprising ties to Tony Blair

Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, the former prime minister of Britain, enjoyed a close personal relationship that allowed them to collude on a number of foreign policy issues behind the scenes. Blair went from helping the former secretary of state make moves in the Middle East to joining former Clinton insiders at a well-connected consulting firm whose work has stoked …

Colin Chilcoat – Clinton A Continuation Of Obama On Energy

Primary season doesn’t begin for another 4 months, and the general election is still more than a year out. Undoubtedly, no lead is safe, but the Democratic ticket has seen far fewer of the swings that have characterized the GOP’s curious circus. Despite her recent troubles, Hillary Clinton is still the most sure bet to win the Democratic nod—though her …

Nomi Prins – Trumpocrisy

The 2016 election campaign is certainly a billionaire’s playground when it comes to “establishment candidates” like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush who cater to mega-donors and use their money to try to rally party bases. The only genuine exception to the rule this time around has been Bernie Sanders, who has built a solid grassroots following and funding machine, while …

Stephen Lendman – Hillary At Brookings

Clinton is one of many hardcore/hawkish neocons infesting America – a recklessly dangerous presidential aspirant deploring peace and stability, addicted to endless wars, mass slaughter and destruction. On September 9, she delivered a foreign policy address at Washington’s Brookings Institution – a notorious corporate financed pro-war think tank, supporting wealth, power and privilege, an establishment organization representing America’s dark side. …

Alternative Visions – “Is the ‘Labor for Bernie’ Campaign Catching Fire?’ – 09.11.15

Jack Rasmus interviews Rand Wilson, a lead organizing for ‘Labor For Bernie Sanders’ campaign on the east coast. Rand describes the latest events to build union support for the Sanders campaign, currently being organized by the core 7500 public endorsers who comprise the ‘Labor for Bernie’ group. A conference call last week by the group included 26,000 supporters, according to Rand, who called in to listen to Sanders explain why he’s the best pro-labor candidate in the upcoming 2016 election. Already receiving significant support from white supporters nationwide in his round of speaking tours, Sanders may now be receiving notable support from at least certain segments of the unions, including Nurses, Postal, and Transport workers. Rand describes what’s going on currently in union circles to build support and endorsements for Sanders, how Sanders’ positions differ from Hillary Clinton’s, and how Sanders, unlike Clinton, refuses to take corporate money. Also unlike Clinton, Rand explains, Sanders wants to build a grass roots movement, a ‘political revolution’ in Sanders’ own words, from the bottom up. Jack raises the question whether this grass roots movement and ‘revolution’ is just a ‘Sanders election’ effort, or whether it is viewed by the ‘Labor for Bernie’ group and its organizers as the start of something longer term, beyond the upcoming Democratic party primaries, that intends to unify not only local unions but other single issue community based protest movements.”

Listeners interested in finding out more about the ‘Labor for Bernie’ organization and efforts, go to www.laborforbernie.org and to the Sanders website for his positions on workers rights atwww.berniesanders.com.

Rand Wilson is a member of SEIU 888 representing higher education workers, and has a long union activist history working for the Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers, SEIU, Teamsters, Jobs for Justice organizing, and the AFLCIO campaign to defend against the Bush attacks on Social Security in the previous decade.

Glenn Greenwald – Hillary Clinton Goes to Militaristic, Hawkish Think Tank, Gives Militaristic, Hawkish Speech

Leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton this morning delivered a foreign policy speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington. By itself, the choice of the venue was revealing. Brookings served as Ground Zero for centrist think tank advocacy of the Iraq War, which Clinton (along with potential rival Joe Biden) notoriously and vehemently advocated. Brookings’ two leading “scholar”-stars — Kenneth Pollack …

Private Prison Corporations Stand With Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has called, tepidly, for an end to mass incarceration, in vague terms, without policy details: “There is something profoundly wrong when African-American men are far more likely to be stopped by the police and charged with crimes and given longer prison terms than their white counterparts,” Clinton said. “There is something wrong when trust between law enforcement and …

Dean Baker – A Fed Rate Hike Will Harm the Economy, Why Don’t the Candidates Seem to Care?

There was something for everyone in August’s US jobs report. The headline figure for jobs growth was less than expected, but the last two months were revised up. Wages grew, but the number of people out of the workforce remains worryingly high. What’s a central banker to do? Sadly the answer is exactly what they want to do, and no …