Trends This Week – In The Age of Stupid, consequences of disaster – 03.09.16

Across the globe and around the world, from nations’ capitals to city halls, they come in all sizes, shapes, races, creeds and colors. A gang of lunatics run and ruin life on Earth under the guise that the parties they belong to represent We the People and the policies they promote will bring financial security and military victory. Pick a country. Name the names. With few exceptions, those in charge boast track records of fiasco, economic disasters and mass destruction. From the highest governmental offices to the military to central-bank policymakers, they double down on catastrophes they created by promising great success from their monumental failures. The current path to the future is clear: more of the same, but much worse. However, when a critical mass who wants to live in peace and gracious beauty take life in their own hands and take it away from those whose greatest ambition is to rule and control, the Renaissance 2.0 we had forecast will prevail.

The Gary Null Show – 03.09.16

Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been published since 1980. He has since become one of the nation’s most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters. He is also the founder of Trends TV and a co-creator of the Occupy Peace movement. Gerald is the host of – “Trends This Week” — on the Progressive Radio Network every Wednesday at 11 am Eastern time, just before my Noon broadcast More information can be found on the websites and

Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.08.16

Dr. Toni Bark is a physician in both pediatric and adult rehabilitartion medicine. She was the director of a pediatric emergency room at Michael Reese Hospital and a director of the Integrative department for Advocacy at Good Shepherd Hospital in Chicago. She is the former vice president of the American Institute of Homeopathy and has studied with many famous international homeopathic doctors. In addition to her medical degree from Rush Medical College and pediatric internship at New York University, Dr Bark received a masters in medical disaster preparedness and was an adjunct professor at Boston Univeresity. She currently has a private practice in the Chicago area that incorporates homeopathy, nutrition and a variety of bioenergetics medical disciplines. She is also the co-producer of the documentary film – “Bought” – which shows how Big Pharma and Big Food have sold out our health. Her website and blog is

Dr. Brian Hooker is an Associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University in California, and a senior consultant for ARES Corporation, specializing in environmental restoration design. As a bioengineer, Dr. Hooker spent 16 as a team leader for the Dept of Energy’s Genomes to Life Center for Molecular and Cellular Systems at its Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where he investigated gene-protein networks, cell signaling and cellular metabolic pathways. He is a prominent leader in the organization Focus Autism, which is investigating the scientific evidence for a vaccine-autism connection. Brian has a 16 year old son with autism and has been active in autism community for a decade. Over the years Brian has filed many FOIAs with federal health agencies and has received 1000s of pages of documents that support the need to question the efficacy and safety of vaccination. He has been a point independent researcher in the recent whistleblower case with Dr. Thompson from the CDC regarding vaccine dangers. His website is

Becky Estepp is the Director of Commnications for Health Choice, a non profit organization focusing on increasing awareness about health choices, vaccine risks, industrialized food, environmental risks, nutrition, and ways to prevent of chronic diseases in adults and children. Health Choice is also active in countering the vaccine bills being pushed by private industry and government upon states to mandate vaccines and remove vaccine exemption. She has worked extensively on issues related to vaccine safety and has appeared on Fox News, Good Morning America, ABC World News Tonight, CNN and other media outlets. She and her husband Jack are the parents of two sons, the oldest, Eric, who has autism. The website is

Mark Blaxill is the father of a daughter diagnosed with autism, editor at large for Age of Autism, a director of SafeMinds, and a frequent speaker at autism conferences. He writes often on autism, science, and public policy issues for Age of Autism and has published numerous articles, letters, and commentaries on autism in journals such as Public Health Reports, the International Journal of Toxicology, the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Neurotoxicology and Medical Hypotheses. He has also been invited to peer review articles in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, the American Journal of Epidemiology, Pediatrics and others. Mark is the co-author of “Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man Made Epidemic” and a leading voice in Health Choice. His websites are and

It’s All About Food – Manuel Gonzalez and Stephanie Bogdanich – 03.08.16

Part I: Manuel Gonzalez, FoodBytes!

Manuel Gonzalez was born in Mexico, is Managing Director, Head of the Western Region Corporate Clients for Rabobank and founder of FoodBytes! Formerly he was Country head of Rabobank Mexico and holds an MBA from Georgetown University.

Part II: Stephanie Bogdanich, The Taco Cleanse

Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly R. Frisinger, and Jessica Morris live in Tacotopia (Austin, TX). They introduced the Taco Cleanse at the 2013 Vegan Month of Food by eating tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 30 days. said, “It should come as no surprise that the newsworthy, tortilla-stockpiling Taco Cleanse . . . not only tops my own list of memories, but everyone else’s.”

Infectious Myth – Dirty Electricity with Sam Milham – 03.08.16

In Episode 92 David discusses the theory of Sam Milham that it is electricity, not chemicals, that is the cause of the so-called “Diseases of civilization”, such as diabetes, heart disease and degenerative neurological conditions like MS and ALS. It is certainly true that electricity has expanded as these diseases have grown, but David wants to know why chemicals in our food, air, water, medicines and so on, aren’t a more plausible cause.

Leid Stories – 03.08.16

Election 2016: The Duopoly’s Self-Inflicted Wounds Are A Timely Gift

The 2016 presidential primaries continue apace, with contests in Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan and Mississippi today that will put Democratic and Republican frontrunners even closer to their goal of winning nomination. But there’s trouble—big trouble—in both camps that largely are self-inflicted wounds and the consequences of a fundamentally undemocratic process. The duopoly’s crisis is a gift we’ve been waiting for, says Leid Stories, and we should make the most of it.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Strong Bones through Osteogenic Loading – 03.08.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, interviews Dr. John Jaquish. Dr. Jaquish began his experience in life sciences after being told by his Mother that she had been diagnosed with osteoporosis. John, in an effort to help his mother, created a device to place axial loading through bone to safely cause Osteogenic Loading events. The device was to trigger the effects of high-impact loading, but without the risk of injury. After successfully reversing his Mother’s osteoporosis, as part of his doctoral dissertation in biomedical engineering research at Rushmore University, he conducted four years of testing with human subjects. Published data has shown, treatment with this Osteogenic Loading device has resulted in over 14% gains in bone density in both the spine and hip over one year of once-weekly treatment. Dr. Jaquish has presented at international osteoporosis conferences worldwide and is on the editorial board of Diabetes Open, and is a board member of American Bone Health, the global leader in patient bone health education. Contact:

Project Censored – 03.08.16

Nuclear-industry critics Arnie and Maggie Gunderson warn that, almost five years after the meltdown, Fukushima still poses a danger to Japan and the Pacific region, and that the Japanese government is trying to prevent journalists and physicians from disclosing the ongoing problems.

The program closes with an excerpt from a 2015 speech by Arnie Gunderson rebutting the idea of nuclear power as a solution to global warming.

Arnie and Maggie Gunderson both worked in the nuclear industry, then became whistleblowers about problems in the industry.
They now operate the Fairewinds Foundation (