Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.26.16

John Lauritsen is a retired market research analyst, author and gay liberationist and activist and currently the founder and head of Pagan Press, which publishes books that reach the gay community. Earlier John wrote for the New York Native where he argued against the science behind HIV and AIDS and raised questions concerning the safety of AZT. More recently he is best known for his theoretical book, The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein which explores whether the real author of the novel by that name was written by Percy Bysshe Shelley and not his wife Mary.

John’s website is JPL where you can find a collection of his essays on AIDS, gay liberation and other subjects.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Dr. Elena Klimenko – 01.26.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN,, interviews Elena Klimenko, M.D.. Dr. klimenko is board certified in internal medicine and operates the New York based Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Medical, P.C., medical practice. She is also certified in homeopathy and acupuncture. Dr. Klimenko graduated from the integrative medicine fellowship at the Continuum for Health and Healing Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. She received her initial medical education in one of the best medical schools of Moscow, Russia. Later, when she moved to the United States she confirmed her medical degree with a series of the same medical tests and board exams that American medical students have to take. In her medical practice, Dr. Klimenko takes a holistic approach to treat her patients, integrating conventional medicines with alternative medicines to address the root of the illness. Her practice also offers noninvasive cosmetic procedures such as Botox and fillers, helping the patient achieve internal and external beauty. For more information on Dr. Klimenko, visit: http:/

Office land line: 212-696-HEAL (4325)

It’s All About Food – Jasmin Singer; Howard Jacobson – 01.26.16

Part I: Jasmin Singer, Always Too Much and Never Enough

Jasmin Singer is the co-host of the award-winning weeklyOur Hen House podcast and had a two-year stint co-hosting the Our Hen House TV show. Jasmin is the co-founder and Executive Director of Our Hen House, a nonprofit multimedia hub working to change the world for animals. Also with Our Hen House, she produces an online magazine (as the editor as well as a regular contributor) and a video production unit. She is a regular public speaker on the subjects of veganism and activism, and travels throughout the country (and beyond) to give workshops and keynotes at venues such as conferences, Vegetarian Food Fests, law schools, and universities. Her work has been featured in various mainstream media outlets, and she has extensive experiences on both sides of the microphone. Jasmin has a Masters in Experiential Health and Healing (The Graduate Institute), and a Holistic Health Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and a BFA in Acting from Pace University.

Part II: Howard Jacobson, Plant Yourself
Howard Jacobson, PhD, runs, a health consulting service that empowers people to go from managing conditions to achieving true wellness. As a researcher, educator, and coach, Howard helps clients make informed decisions and take control of their health destiny. Howard is also the host of the Plant Yourself Podcast, and contributing author to WHOLE: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition, by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Proteinaholic, by Garth Davis, MD. Howard lives with his family in Pittsboro, North Carolina, where he likes to garden, practice Russian Martial Arts, play Ultimate Frisbee, and run the “No Soup For You” chicken sanctuary.

Love Lust And Laughter – 01.26.16

Sheri Winston is a celebrated sexuality teacher, an award-winning author and a medical professional who brings over two decades of experience as a certified nurse-midwife and gynecology practitioner – plus another decade as a sex teacher to her work on sexuality, women’s health and relationships. Her FREE Webinar is tomorrow, January 27th, and you may register at The focus is on the Secrets of Female Sexual Pleasure. Sheri and Dr. Diana spoke about many aspects of female sexuality and erotic energy. It turns out that the pleasure of living and the pleasure of orgasm are identical! Please tune-in for more insights about female sexuality. Her book “Succulent Sex Craft” offers many fascinating details!

Infectious Myth – “Open Media with David Christopher”? – 01.26.16

In Episode 86, David Crowe interviews David Christopher of about a variety of media issues, including net neutrality, government warrantless eavesdropping on everyone’s communications, media ownership concentration, and how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will negatively affect internet users. is similar to the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) in the United States, and many of the issues are similar.

Since the interview is relatively short, and David (Crowe) didn’t manage to get into the important media issue of freedom of speech, on the internet, or elsewhere, he continues by discussing it. The backlash against a white human rights journalist who photoshopped her face into different races and cultured. The irony of jargon of people who claim to be excluded actually excluding others from participating in discussions. Why the “Je suis Charlie Hebdou” activists are very selective about what kind of speech they rally to protect.

Finally, David addresses some environmental issues: Are tens of thousands of coal jobs more important than neurological coal pollutants? Can milk contaminated with pesticides cause Parkinson’s? What’s happening with the water in Flint, Michigan?

The resources David references can be found at:

Project Censored – 01.26.16

What role can civil disobedience play in the stuggle for social change? Peter explores this question with two guests: First, environmental organizer Tim DeChristopher recounts his experience interfering with a federal oil and gas lease auction, and how the legal doctrine of “necessity” can be used in environmental campaigns.

Then Sunsara Taylor discusses the right-wing effort to supress womens’ option of abortion, and the countercampaign
to protect reproductive choice.

Tim DeChristopher is a climate campaigner, and the founder of two climate-action organizations. He spent 21 months in prison for submitting a false bid at a federal oil and gas auction in Utah in 2008.

Sunsara Taylor is with, and also is a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 01.25.16

1) International business Times senior writer Eric Marcowitz on LA city Council irregularities hey bring private companies to outfit 8000 police body cams – the most on the entire planet four $57 million. Councilman Mitchell Englander taking private contributions from Wall Street taser manufacturer and body cam producer

2). Mileece Pitrie has found a way to make plants talk.

3) what’s missing in the Iran deal